The Target

The Target is an interactive, unique & exciting city game. It’s a very powerful game for team building and fun in Rotterdam.
The Target is played with tablets in 4 teams. One team plays the role of gangsters, the other teams play the role of cops. The gangsters have to commit crimes in the city. With these crimes they can earn money and their goal is to reach € 1.000.000,- before the cops catch them. To commit the crimes the gangsters need to steal tools – e.g. a knife, dynamite, money truck, infra red camera. The tools are located at different points in the city and the gangsters have to make a tactical plan for their goal.

While stealing the tools and committing their crimes the gangsters are chased by the cops. The cops receive real time info on their tablets about the actions of the gangsters. And every six minutes they get an update of the exact location of the gangsters. The cops need to use the info and work together to chase and surround the gangsters. When the cops and gangsters come within a certain range they can shoot each other. When the cops hit, they win the game. When the gangsters hit, the cops have to go back to headquarters for recovery. Besides the gangsters carry a bullet free jacket & jammer and have the opportunity to plant mines in the game area.

The Target is great fun for everybody who likes to compete and experience Rotterdam in a special way.
Halfway the game there is a break for a drink in one of Rotterdam most famous bars.

For an extensive explanation read the full description of The Target.

€ 45,- p.p.
Including organization, hosting, use of tablets and drink & snack during the break.
Excluding VAT and other food & beverages.
8-150 pax, starting time is flexible, game area is city centre – can also be customized

8-12 pers. € 45,- p.p.
13 pers.+  € 39,- p.p.
Including guide, equipment, photo shoot and drink halfway through the game.

Active, fun, GPS-Game op tablets, interaction, competition, 8-120 pers.

Rotterdam-Centrum, Kralingse Plas, Kop van Zuid, Schiedam, Delft

PI Haaglanden, Buro Fris, Rabobank Rotterdam, Hexion, Fortis, Nationale Nederlanden, TEAM OUT, TBA, AEGON, Atlas Eurosailor, Surfnet, Minister van Verkeer en Waterstaat, ABN AMRO, HEBO, P.I. de IJssel, De Hypotheker, Isolectra, Landelijk Parket, Eerste Kamer, Nationale Nederlanden, De Goudse, Rijkswaterstaat , Art of Events, Ernst & Young, Zorgwerk Select, dS+V Gemeente Rotterdam, Mensen Maken de Stad, JK-Nederland, Fysiotherapie Praktijk Koese, AAG Adviesgroep, Eneco Energie, Triple A, Shell, Bibliotheek Rotterdam, Pharox Automatisering, Apotheek de Murene, Adfintage, Vopak Europoort, NVA, Unilever, Cargo-partner Network, SoZaWe, BAM Rail Services, Storck, USG Restart, Sigma Coatings, Blauw, Nassau Verzekeringen, Mediq Apotheek Oosterheide, STAR, IKEA Breda, Shell, Stadhuis Rotterdam, Roteb, Rabobank Hoeksche Waard, Allegis, Triant, Politie Rotterdam Rijnmond, Rechtbank Rotterdam, Erasmus Leven, Kneppelhout & Korthals, Movares, STAG Rijnstreek/ Care2Care, SAM-Works, LUMC, Rabobank Montfoort-Oudewater, Nieuwland, INKOM Bestuur, Kalliste, Stadsdeel centrum Amsterdam,  Van Sikkelerus & Ray Advocaten, Latexfalt en vele particuliere gezelschappen.

The Target Rotterdam









Want to know more about the possibilities of The Target for your teambuilding?
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